Freedom Is Not Free

american flagIf you’re an American you believe in religious freedom.  We’re going to assume that’s not a debatable subject for the majority of Americans. What is open for discussion, however, is how the religious freedom of institutions and other parachurch ministries is protected in the public square. 

Here at The Souza Agency, we have clients and friends…including the Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance (IRFA). They work tirelessly to “safeguard the religious identity and faith-shaped standards and services of faith-based organizations. Why? This enables them to make their distinctive and best contributions to the common good.”

irfa logo

We hope you give some thought to why it’s important for all Americans to stand by and support The Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance. Dedicated to education, training, and advocacy to protect the religious identity of institutions as they carry on their faith-based services. IRFA will be instrumental in ensuring a level playing field.

IRFA’s President is Dr. Stanley Carlson-Thies. For much of his career, Dr. Carlson-Thies has been at the forefront of safeguarding institutional religious freedom with both The Center for Public Justice and also with President George W. Bush’s White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. We can be comforted that he is at the helm of this organization, but we can’t rest too easy. Like David facing Goliath, he will need not only a slingshot and guidance from God, he will need our help and prayers, as well.

You can reach Carlson-Thies by email at

Moving forward, all of us at Team Souza are cheering Dr. Carlson-Thies and IRFA on, and hope you will think about supporting IRFA by your time, talents, or financial contributions, or by simply passing along the work about this organization.